Established 1977, Lyle & Lynnel Job began farming on their little 27 acre farm south of Richvale. Lyle came from the farm in North Dakota and Lynnel came from working at her parents family owned ,”Tahoe Inn”, in Tahoe City.
Both come from a background of Respect, Hard Work, and Good Stewardship of the life God put before them, and have carried that ethos into all their endeavors. Between the two of them they have shown their kids how to work hard, shovel mud or snow, split wood, turn the dirt, try new things, live by a motto of "if you cannot find it build it", and most importantly use your gifts to share with others, especially in a time of need. Enjoy God’s Creation most of all while at it!
They worked for many years with Lyle’s family doing custom work then ventured out on their own. Lyle began to do fertilizer application, land leveled many acres for others, more custom farming, fabricating large pieces of farm equipment, and leased more rice land to raise their five children. The children learned to drive equipment and how to farm working alongside their parents.
The couple now farms over 700 acres with a portion dedicated to the new, Caloroma 201, Pacific Flyway Jasmine long grain rice. Their oldest daughter, Andrea Job and their son & his wife, Daniel & Shannon Job, have joined them in carrying on with their farming practices. Their other three girls love to visit the farm as they pursue other life passions.
While we have sensed it for several years, there is now research demonstrating that Caloroma 201 (California Jasmine that we grow) is the most similar to Thai Jasmine rice of any variety grown in the United States.
You can read the research yourself by clicking the button below. Overall, Caloroma 201 stands out for size, stickiness, and flavor. Don't skip the rice -- and make it L&L Farm's Jasmine for the highest quality, California-grown Jasmine rice.
* We love our Jasmine, and when our 6-year-old granddaughter knows the difference between our Medium Grain and Jasmine...well, you want to take note!
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